Design and Architecture Firm

Capstone Client - Georgetown University 2017

Quierra's Integrated Marketing Campaign -Social Media Screenshots


Developing an integrated marketing campaign from scratch is sort of similar to an artist beginning a painting, but instead of the artist is not the sole creator of the final product. A truly integrated marketing campaign utilizes many forms of research to develop final campaign. Everything could be validated by the consumer from the artwork to the he time and method of distribution. When I approach a new marketing campaign I try to be as creative as an artist and strategic as a marketer.

I had the pleasure of consulting with a Washington DC based design firm on an integrated marketing campaign for my capstone project at Georgetown University’s School of Continuing Studies. I had 13 weeks to plan, research, conceptualize, and pitch and integrated marketing campaign for my client who was repositioning their brand, create connections in a new target industry.

The Research

During the research phase of a project is where I get the most inspiration. This is where I either have a face-to-face discussion with my target group, interview them over the phone, or share a quick survey requesting for their thoughts or feedback. The first thing I did was audit my clients existing marketing stack and analyze their previous and existing marketing initiatives. Google Analytics proved to be the best tool for the job. Through my research I learned that agencies such my client, primarily earn new business through word of mouth referrals, but 75% of businesses in their industry find online marketing to be an effective tool for attracting customers to their business.

Upon learning audience behavior, I set out to find content inspiration, I found IBIS World Report and Mintel provided valuable insights that could be useful for my client. I gathered interesting facts about the market, the competitive landscape information, trending innovations to watch, and key leaders in the space.

I was able to compile enough data about the target audience from my secondary and primary research to create an audience persona that pointed to trends in the industry as well as behaviors and motivations of this target group.

The Deliverables

Quierra Wells Scope of Work for Integrated Marketing and Communications Campaign
View Scope of Work
Quierra Wells Audience Persona for Integrated Marketing and Communications Campaign
Audience Persona
Quierra Wells Brochure for Integrated Marketing and Communications Campaign
Mockup Brochure
Quierra Wells Capmaign Calendar for Integrated Marketing and Communications Campaign
Campaign Calendar

The Results

The final product would be a high touch demand generation campaign that allowed my client to meet and make a real time impact in the market through low cost pop-up or experiential events, an activity they are already quite experienced in.

Considering all the research I had done I knew my client would need to do a lot of work to make an effective impact in this new target industry. I developed a low-cost solution for them to start with and get comfortable with the idea of getting out there and discussing trending topics that will be new to them. Once they become experts in their new industry the campaign could be scaled up to meet the needs of larger audience. The plan runs the full gamut of marketing activities, email marketing, website updates and content development, social media posting, Brochures, and event marketing.

The measurement plan was simple, our goal was to increase the total qualified leads by 10% in 2020. I provided several KPI’s and metrics for my client to monitor in google analytics.

Quierra Wells Pitch Deck for Integrated Marketing and Communications Campaign
View Pitch Deck